20 April 2009

We Go China

MUCHO updating to come soon (hopefully) of my recent travel to China.

Quick summary: it was awesome.

Made 4 new wonderful friends, of whom I was glad to add to my 700+ friends on facebook and I don't plan on deleting them anytime soon. ;) FUN FUN times in Beijing (some not-so-fun things too but those tend to make for interesting stories). Flights were long but bearable. Was DEFintely away from life as we know it. Jet lag and the cold I picked up on the return trip serve to make me glad to be home again, sleep in my own bed, be surrounded by the familiar, etc. Pennsylvania is beautiful, and green and wooded and smells good and three cheers to the awesome Creator who thought up blooming trees in the spring!! Thoroughly enjoyed the 'engrish' sightings (which may eventually get their own entry) and spotted some really cute kids butt cheeks peering out of potty-training split pants.
There was more than one time I had to just shake my head and say... "its China"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that the toddler pronunciation?