11 January 2010

no I did not....

oh, wait. yes.... i guess i did. Hmmm.
I'm having a moment where I recall a memory that feels more like a bad dream or an out of body experience. I told someone this weekend that I don't believe there will be Mennonites in heaven. Well, there goes my ticket to eternal bliss. Might as well start living for debauchery now.

It's not so much that I said this because taken in context the statement may have been a bold one opening doors to deep discussion of God's wonderful promise of eternal life to not only his chosen people the Jews but also an extension to Gentiles (not the least of which will most certainly include the Mennos). The issue is that I said it with a pre-conceived notion of habitual conflict of differing views of the intended listener's ears. Days at my beloved EMU, center of higher education, has confirmed that any interest in pious 'dialogue' of round about discussions that fail to end on statements of 'Thy Word is Truth' and 'Jesus is It', as non-existent for Miss Martin.
...Especially when she is sleep deprived. AND when the fellow dialogue includes persons who represent previous scoldings of accused 'shame on you' quotes at not being Mennonite enough. Or rather, their definition of said denomination which varies GREATLY from what I was taught at a young, impressionable age.

I should just know by now that this is a must and have fun with it. I'm just not there yet. I still have a hard time appreciating or overlooking when .05% isn't glowingly agreeable and supportive. These things happen. And it does make for quite a story and some good chalk ups for hard knocks. (As IF I really have 'hard knocks' in my super cool life). Not to leave my audience hanging but I think I've said enough for now. If I divulge too much more I may be shunned by the Liberals of the "mennonites" (the kind who cause ppl to wonder what exactly makes them claim the name.)

Peace. Love. Joy. and tune in to see what will be my next blasphemous utterance!


ben wideman said...


Too funny. I love a good theological ramble. Time for you to head to seminary.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make much sense of this! I think ONLY Mennonites will make it to heaven.

And way to engage in conflict!

Brent Deitrich said...

Very true..there won't be Methodists or Presbyterians either. *shock*