08 September 2010

what's on my mind

Dread isn't quite the word in mind but something akin to it is. I just don't quite have the exact word. No matter, the issue is my upcoming birthday. Ever since I was 14 I really liked the age I was. When the next age would come around I was ok with it and felt like I enjoyed where I was and didn't focus on what was to come. Even turning 16, while driving was on my mind a lot, I didn't count down the days to it. (It helped that my b-day was early fall and before a lot of my friends birthdays. They were all anxious to turn 16 and start driving. I may have rubbed it in that I was older but just to be a tease.) Fast forward 14 years and I'm again the one turning a big number before them. Only this time, they aren't jealous of me. Haha. Yup, that's rights, I'm turning 30 the end of September.

I've asked my older friends how they handled this milestone. So far no one has had real encouraging advice. It seems this crux is a common difficulty for my circle of American friends. I started looking on the web to see what's out there about turning 30 and found a few funny blogs. Taking the idea from one uber optimist, here's a modified list of 30 reasons why turning 30 is going to be ok.

My list:

  1. I get to be the "young one" playing over 30 soccer. (My friends have been knocking at my door for their over 30 teams for at least half a year!)
  2. I get to check a new age group box on forms.
  3. I get to say, “I remember when I was in my 20s”.
  4. It is a milestone birthday.
  5. I have something to blog about
  6. It's a good topic of conversation, at least with my elders. Those younger than me just rib me and make me feel old.
  7. I get 10 years to prepare for turning 40.
  8. I get to take the time to look at a new vision for my 30s.
  9. I have stopped trying to find myself and started enjoying just being myself (this started over a year ago but still applies).
  10. Be thankful that I still feel like I am in my prime of life physically. At least my high school soccer players make me look good. I hear that you hit your prime in your 30's for numerous things (physically). I may need to take up some new hobbies.
  11. My birthday cake will be nice & bright and require a fire extinguisher to put out. That'll be a proud moment
  12. I have great experiences from my past and I get to add new ones!
  13. I can celebrate BIG for this birthday.
  14. I have years to get use to being called Lady or Ma'am.
  15. When I get carded it is a compliment instead of them not thinking I am old enough.
  16. All the life lessons I learned in my 20s, I can now apply to my life.
  17. Don’t have to worry about turning 30 because I will be.
  18. Get to read all the self help books about surviving your 30’s and nod in agreement with them.
  19. Do not have to do it alone since many of my friends have turned or will be turning 30 with me.
  20. A major birthday like 30 means better presents!
  21. 30 is the new 20.
  22. People naturally take you more seriously when you are in your 30s.
  23. You get to smile when people can not believe you are 30.
  24. No longer have to struggle to be an adult because you have years of practice.
  25. Be proud that I still have not gotten any gray hairs!
  26. When I was younger 30 was OLD, now I feel 30 is young.
  27. I don't need to wait for Santa to bring me a wii, I can go get my own.
  28. I maybe turning 30 but I will still always be the youngest in my family.
  29. Turning 30 makes you appreciate your 20’s
  30. There is only one option to not turning 30, that is death. I say, “Welcome 30!"

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