23 November 2007

jaunt to asheville turns post turkey

Lest ye think that North Carolina is just one big beach, I beseech thee. It has some gorgeous mountainous scenery and early November happened to be a great time to see the splendor of fall foliage. I'll post some pictures later but I'd like to get at least a little sleep so I'm not going to even attempt to upload photos on dial-up. Guess this would be a rare moment that I am actually thankful for the ancient yet more advanced access camp has that is one grade above dial-up. Speaking of thankfulness.. that is something that I am not nearly enough. And its not feeling like such a good idea to be blogging when I feel low. But it'll be an expression of emotion for sure. And we know how Kendra feels about sharing her emotions. Actually, its not the sharing of emotions that I totally dread (though close) its the fear of rejection of those close to me and having my faults come full circle, out in the open. This is what I get for not reporting on vacation right away -- instead this entry has quickly diverged from summarizing my trip to Asheville to the post-Turkey Day blues . (If you want more on vaca, email me or call and also check out photos on facebook. It really was a super trip and I especially enjoyed 'highlights of the day' time with Miss BecKAY.)

With Daughty (PA Dutch word for Grandpa) passing away last week and family issues surfacing and being miles from home, I was really looking forward to Thanksgiving. And it was great. Mom's side of the family came over, grandma outdid herself once again in cooking a fantastic meal, and we had so much fun playing games and enjoying each other's 'kump-nay'! Thanks God for a beautiful day, a full belly, that my family knows You and for laughter. Even though its not easy or fun, thanks too for using difficult and stupid conflict to show me areas of my character that you want a piece of. Ok, that you want all of, to make me what I ought to be. I'm sorry I'm just not there yet. What is "there"? I guess perfection and righteousness. I just don't know if I'll ever get it right. Had I been praying for a deeper understanding of grace? 'cause I sure need it. I always try to earn it and I always fall short. Sigh.

yeah... moving on. Referring back to my entry about being such an awkward dancer. While that remains true, it may not be as bad as I painted it. k-t invited us to go contra dancing one night and boy, what a fun cultural experience. We walked in to a full house of mountain mamas with flowing frizzy hair and skirts along side rugged men of all shapes, sizes and sights! All my years of square dancing paid off but didn't prepare me for the dizzy factor and 50 year old partners with the goofiest of grins. Wonderful! :)

This entry is so scattered, just like my thoughts. I'm out.

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