15 March 2008

uh.. long time no blog

Yeah. Updating the blog just doesn't happen real often. In part that can be blamed on this little problem I had with motivation. Basically, I didn't have much. Was it that tough to get back into the swing after a vaca to Costa Rica (an entry and pictoral show shall follow), or just the winter blahs? What ever the case, its getting better - thanks to prayer - and this nice-er weather sure does help. So does the fact that I have a sweet occupation that I get to occassionally use nail guns (or at least hold them for others who are using them and pretend I actually used it when in fact, I didn't), wire cutters, swagers, tulle, velum paper, tea pots, toilet plungers and the ever popular ice cream scooper!

Or, could it be that its a grave sin for me to use the internet. Oh my crap... don't get me started. I'd be interested in hearing people's views on "gray areas" and fuzzy lines of moral standards. :) Without delving into too much dirt there, let's just say k-dra is in the market for laptop shopping. What do you recommend?

Its too late already and I have a long day tomorrow that I'm only half ready for. Where'd that motivation get to?...


Demnos said...

I would recommend a MacBook. You don't have to worry about viruses and such with a Mac. For a cheaper solution you might want to checkout a Dell. I have had really good experiences with them and they don't cost quite as much. Acer Travelmate's are also pretty good. Just remember that you get what you pay for. A super-cheap laptop is just that, a super-cheap laptop. Anyway, I'd be happy to talk computers anytime you want to. That's one thing that I'm quite good at. :-)

ben wideman said...

go mac and never look back.

Val said...

i know nothing about notebooks if they don't have a spiral wire binding; but my interest was piqued by the gray area conversation... love getting all uppity and passionate about freedom in Christ and judge not others - we'll have to chat. thanx for your sweet affirmation of the Bek.