08 June 2008

transitions are always that

Some things we just don't out grow, no matter how old we get. Transitions are always awkward. When in a new group there is always a period of time trying to figure out how & where you fit in and what role you'll play. Insecurities surface at random. Inside jokes start almost immediately. People are intriguing. First impressions abound and we hold each other at arms length.

Summer staff has arrived! Its exciting - very, but for some reason I'm not sure how excited I actually feel on the inside. With orientation week in full swing I am on the go and my list gets 6 items added for every one I cross off!! God's made it obvious he wants me here with taking away the option of some distractions so I'm pretty sure the best way to fight emotions that are competing within me is to pour myself 100% into being here. But its tough and I welcomed those distractions [insert whine]. This summer is going more smooth but still quite challenging with still getting my not-so-new (1.5 yrs) boss and following his leadership style. So, yeah, thanks for praying about that...

God's blessed us with an incredible staff AGAIN ... He always seems to come through. I now have 65 younger brothers and sisters. And I love them already. They make me laugh, shake my head, and challenge me. Yes, they really are all younger than me. Sigh. BUT I kept it real bykickin butt on the Gold Rush field and my mountain run remains a legend.

If you are reading this blog - wow, you must really be avoiding doing something else - then you have time on your hands and I challenge you: Send me a letter or package (it would be best if YOU were in the package!). That would make me so happy and you'd be on my top list pretty much forever.

Stay tuned for updates on Shalom Retreat, Family Camps, random funness and WOW moments about the Lord.

Psalm 139

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