20 September 2009

Life is what happens when you're busy doing things

So I haven't been much of a blogger lately. Lots of great LIFE going on. So I'll ramble on a bit to catch up on the activities of life.

On Aug 20 I got my eyes altered with a laser! LASIK eye surgery worked for me. One eye is just slightly not as clear as the other (20/20 v 25/20) but I have to keep reminding myself it really happened. Quality of life is so much simpler and therefore better. Now I can roll out of bed and into my day in 4 minutes 23 seconds versus the 6 minute routine it took to reach around trying to find my glasses so I wouldn't stumble on things, or the 10 minute routine to get the contacts in with discomfort at coaxing the foreign object in. I went backpacking over Labor Day weekend and my pack was so LITE without glasses, glasses case, contacts, contact case and solution. ;) My eyes still get dry & tired after being open all day by the evening but what a good reason to go to bed.

The wonderful and exciting Becky Thomasson came for a visit over Labor Day (who was my trail partner). Yay for good friends despite the many miles that separate us. All 650 miles of it. An interesting comment that she made was that with most of her friends she is the daring, outgoing one stretching her friends to do crazy things. But she said that is not the case in our friendship. (I'm her outdoor adventure friend). She tells me this as we are hiking at 9:30 pm at night, in the dark, moonlit sky on the Appalachain Trail looking for a campsite and only seconds later she falls off the trail with a squealch. I assumed the worst and chastise myself for being a horrid friend and an unsafe adventure leader. Thankfully, just one foot slipped off the trailwhilst she landed on the trail. We found a campsite ASAP and bedded down for the night. Besides a snake slithering right between my feet as I was in mid-stride, the remainder of our ridge running adventure was limited to a delightful campfire complete with s'mores, wonderful conversations and getting lost in the woods in briers nonetheless trying to find a trial that Kendra 'had taken before' as a "shortcut" back to camp. Friends are true friends when they love you inspite of adverse circumstances.

I'm training for a 10K race. Technically the race is the Harrisburg Marathon but I got together a relay team to split the 26 miles between 4 of us. We are raising funds for new playground equipment at Camp. Our Team's Website Help us reach our goal! The team is my big bro Kirby (he's a beast and enjoys running in trail races), Chris Schulze (Alpha Male) and his lovely fiance' Andrea Peters (currently in med school - you go!). I'm a bit apprehensive about slowing the team down but the runs have been feeling better and better.

As mentioned in the last post, I'm also coaching soccer. The season opener was not too pretty ending in a lose and our starting keeper breaking her tibia & fibula at the ankle resulting in surgery to put a plate and 9 screws in but the girls have since recovered and started a nice winning streak. All the sports teams a Halifax are getting hit with injuries and we're tired of it!

Planning all kinds of retreats. Just finished up a senior citizens week. Next year I think my introduction will begin as follows. "Hello, I'm Kendra. I'll be your token granddaughter, feel free to dote. Let me set the record straight that I am single and not getting married in the foreseeable future. At this point, the horizons are clear with nothing cooking. Thank you." I lost count how many times I was asked that question. Sorry to disappoint!

Journey group (a.k.a. small group) began tonight. I'm looking forward to getting to know more people from church in a deeper more personal setting and growing spiritually. I'm co-leading the group not because I think I have much to impart on others but more to stretch myself and have a good reason to be accountable to studying and making faith & bible study more of a priority.

Well... I'm sitting out side because the wifi on camp (CAN U BELIEVE IT'S FINALLY HERE!!??!!!?!?) doesn't work inside the house yet. This could get REAL annoying come winter time. The fingers are cold and the eyes are dry so that makes it time for bed.

God Bless!

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