28 January 2010

Might surprise you

...to learn that on the rare occasion I sit on my butt during a mid-week afternoon practicing being a zombie, I avert my eyes to the tellie. When scanning the guide and seeing showings of America's Next Top Model a little squeal erupts from my throat. What's worse is they put an entire series on, running continuously for a whole day! I haven't yet been able to catch an entire series (this is NOT seen as a tragedy). I'm going to attempt to make this sound like a noble undertaking of my slackerhood now so take that as your que to stop reading if you like.

Yes, the drama that can prevail with such a demographic living in one home whilst simultaneously competing for a singular coveted title is petty. That is not what keeps me watching, though it can def add to the sociological interest. I think it's the inner Princess in me who wants to be beautiful. I sit there and begin to think "I could do that."

Tyra is a big part of the draw as well. In everything that goes into the photo shoots, the judging panel reviews and the trips, Tyra is constantly giving modeling tips that promote making healthy, professional, respectful choices in the pursuit of the coveted career that is modeling. Those tips translate in to life and many of the eliminated model-wannabes speak of growth in personal confidence and life experience as a result of their time on the show.

My competitive nature kicks in as well. Head high, meet the camera with confidence, carry yourself with dignity, have a backbone. Be you: Strong, Beautiful, Wonderfully created YOU. That's how our Creator intended us to be.

How beautiful, attractive, stunning it is to meet someone who has come to accept themselves for whom they were created to be. It's when we are least concentrated on self and focused on what the Lord puts in our life, doing what He gifts us with to do, with a thankful heart, singing His praises, that we lose ourselves and truly live a life worth living.

I hear that is attractive.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love this. You are totally right.