21 September 2011

it's been awhile...

time for some updates.

The lettuce DID NOT GROW. Sadly. I'm going to blame it on no sunshine.

It's rained A LOT this fall.
Record flood in my years of living in Halifax.

After next Monday (Sept 26) I will be IN my 30's. Ugh. But its just a number.

Coaching again. Love it. Though I don't feel like I'm doing my best at building personal, meaningful relationships with the girls.

I like a boy. and he likes me. but what are differences that can't be compromised? And who says. Sigh. Clarity is tough to come by.

I have 2 sisters now!! even if by law. One older and one younger.

Not all of the goals I set from last year are met.

I live in a trailer. and I like it. but I'm not white trash. :)

God is so good. He's given me faith. Why don't some people I care about have that gift?

God's doing really awesome things in some families through the gift of adoption. He's given me a vision to support that through a venue at Camp and I'm excited to see how it develops.

Working in ministry is far from perfect. Sometimes its down right frustrating. I need wisdom. It's easier to pray for God to give Other people wisdom, haha!

I average smushing or removing from my premises about 4 insects/spiders/creepy crawlers every day. that's a bit too many.

I like to blog and should do so more often but I just don't.

I witnessed goat showing & judging at the Gratz Fair this week. wow.

the. end.

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