29 December 2011

the 'why' behind what I do

So the 4th(?) annual Young Adult Retreat hosted by Camp Hebron happened December 16-18, 2011. I am so thankful to report that there are a number of things to share that made me remember the "why" behind what I do, or attempt to do.

What I attempt to do with planning retreats is create an atmosphere that encourages people to 'connect with God, nature and each other' (thank you Camp Hebron tagline).

This year's retreat started out quite normal: frustrating. Three weeks out there were whole 5 people signed up. Great. At that point I start to decide if I commence nagging every young adult I know constantly, cancel the event, pout, or pray and have faith and stop worrying. Well, I only had faith in spurts (thanks to supportive friends who reminded me to do so) but the event was not cancelled. I am so glad.

My new friend Winnie found the event online last year and organized their church's young adult group from Philly. What a God-send. True to human nature, I worried about this too. I'm so white and despite not attending a Mennonite church, quite Mennonite too. I planned a retreat I thought sounded fun and good and was concerned if the weekend would feel relevant to city folk. Just because the Lord doesn't answer my worries, I mean prayers, like I want him to doesn't warrant this poor showing of faith. THANKFULLY, He is faithful and continues to work whether I'm Little Miss Believer or not.

The weekend seemed ordained for this group of 14.
First, we moved the whole retreat down the hill (since the dining hall in the youth camp area was getting an upgrade I didn't know about) to the retreat center. My new friends could have handled walking in the dark, cold winter woodlands well enough but its so nice they didn't have to since everything was in one building.
Second, the Lord is strong in their lives, drawing them into his presence, revealing in deeper ways the gifts he's given them and calling them to live for him out loud every day. Some of them were up until 4 am the first night just talking about how Awesome God is and what he's doing in their lives.

The next night I sat with them to hear what they were talking about and it was more of the same, how the Lord was becoming real, fresh and challenging each other to be willing to live and die for him. whoosh. I don't know many people who sit around and talk about that. SWEET. Create a space to connect with God and each other - check!

Special thanks to Kelly and team for leading worship. Wasn't nearly long enough. :) Josef was on target and relevant and captivating (the German accent helped - I just dig accents... except when you can't understand them and experiencing major jet lag...). Thanks to everyone who came expecting. Expecting fun. Willingness to meet new people. Experiencing relaxation, conversations, laughter. Ahh and a bonfire complete with impromptu accapella Christmas caroling. There was even an ER visit. Haha, ok. It happens.

God is good. And as I sit in a corner at Panera typing this, I just saw a high school aged kid fold his hands and pray for his meal. Love it.

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