15 July 2008

Here's a tribute to family camp by way of a photo montage. There's Janelle's grandma a.k.a. "9 and a half" (that referring to the number of fingers she has) making paper at the ladies craft. This unbelievable lady also tie-dyed a rather large pair of undies one day, then tied them onto a baseball cap, making it look like two ponytails on the side tied up with ribbons. She's sneaky. Then we've got the ever popular shaving cream battle. Arliss also participated in the shaving cream battle. She had Janelle (her granddaughter) set a chair on the edge of the plastic and there she sat, threatening anyone who dared come close enough to get in her firing range. It was a sight to see!! If I find any photos of her mohawk, I'll add it later.

Hmm... so I didn't have as many exciting photos as I thought concerning family camp. Ok, more shalom. Galen on harmonica with his Burger King crown and Jen learning something obvious from Nevin. :)

I just had to add this Pizza Hut sign care of the Hong Kong YES team's tribute to Chinglish. Let's Pizza... together...
If anyone approached me with that kind of question, I'd find it hard to resist!

Only 3 more weeks of camp... where does the time fly? Before we know it fall foliage will be upon us. Then its soccer coaching, quieter living space and a very much anticipated backpacking trip to Olympus Nat'l Park with my favorite hiking partner H-e-i-d-i!!! But who's looking ahead? Seriously, I'm only looking that far ahead because I was looking at tickets. But it is a challenge to stay real connected to camp when I'm not assigned to anything specific.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna have a shaving cream battle.