19 November 2010

Like a fuzzy mirror

Reflections in a pond are like a fuzzy mirror. Reflections of our lives are also unclear. There are quite a few things I'm currently mulling over, trying to see positively unsure what is "right". I've come to the conclusion there is not one 'right' answer. Maybe a better question is to ask what would honor God the most, or what are the most respectable ways to face these thorns in the flesh? How can there be very good arguable answers and processes to take on one issue from two similar people who have very different perspectives? Questions I'm currently reflecting on in no particular order - some in my life, others from questions & conversations with friends are...

-Why are there so many people in leadership positions who are not good leaders?
-How much work does it really take to be in a committed relationship?
-How can teens with far-less-than-ideal home situations find hope?
-What does it look like to respect yet challenge people in authority to improve and lead more effectively?
-Why do some relationships appear so hopeful and like a gift from God only to end very poorly, causing doubts of God's hand ever being a part of all the excitement?
-How much MORE could God work if we truly lived in fellowship as He designed?
-Why do girls hurt their bodies by starving themselves?
-How can honest feedback from a loving and dear friend feel both refreshingly open and frighteningly convicting at the same time?
-Why to we settle for things that do not satisfy and end up instead making us feel cheap, used, worthless?

If I knew all the answers I would have a hunger to ask questions or seek for answers. I wouldn't appreciate the answers without the searching and discovery through experience and revelation. Pain lets us experience joy in greater measure.

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears." I Cor 13:9

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." I Cor 13:12-13

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