13 January 2011

remembering why

I was very encouraged to be a part of the Jr. High Retreat, one of camp's biggest non-summer events of the year (actually its comparable to a full week of camp), this past weekend and wanted to share with you some direct feedback I received from the youth leaders. It was a reminder of what camp means to the kids, how God uses this setting to connect with his children and that camp shows people that being a Christian is FUN!

And let me tell you… these kids were EXCITED to come. One kid’s mom told him that Wednesday was too early to pack for the weekend. Another kid broke his foot a few weeks ago and after not being allowed to even sign up, begged his parents to let him come… and that he was indeed going to play Gold rush in the snow! (don’t think that happened but I did play some Dutch Blitz with him). One group wanted to add another girl and I said there are no more beds – someone would have to sleep on the floor and they’d be really cramped. She still signed up and brought her own fold up cot. Another girl had a hard time sleeping the days leading up to retreat saying “I’m just so Excited!” During check-in between 7-8 pm I ran from the Upper Room to the office to make a copy and the noise level of kids jabbering caught me off guard!

The 3 sessions focused on the book of Jonah.
1. Attitudes (we all need to hear this one J),
2. Like Jonah, we all have a “Nineveh” God is calling us to – what is yours?,
3. Monday is what counts, don’t fall flat on your face, go live it out.

One Jr. youth group wants to start helping to lead Sunday morning services. Another group wants to help decide what is taught at Sunday school & have their current leaders teach. One youth leader told his kids tomorrow (Monday) is a special day. They asked if it was Pastor’s Day & if he was coming to their schools? He said no, they are the “pastors”, the ones who are to be the light to their fellow classmates. THEY can do something.

Still other leaders were telling me this Jr. High Retreat at Camp Hebron is THE big event of the year the Jr. high kids look forward to and get excited about every year because it is a lot of ‘firsts’ for them – first weekend away with a speaker, first time to climb the rock wall, maybe first time away overnight from parents, etc.

One youth leader’s youth group is made up of troubled kids he gets referred that are in trouble at the public school where he is a counselor. Two little boys he brought have rough, unstable home lives – abuse, no dads, no bed at home, etc. They thrived on the activities and were even attentive during sessions (under the watchful eye of their leader) and came up with good and practical ideas during small group discussions. For one weekend at least, these boys had a bed to sleep in and were shown nothing but the Father’s love and heard of the good life Jesus wants them to have.

All of these conversations reminded me of why we do what we do at camp. In your own little part of the world, consider how to do your best (both in and outside of your ‘job description’) to help create an environment for God to move. Ask the Lord on a personal level what is the Nineveh He’s calling you to. And come see for yourself the joy and impact these weekends have.

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