05 January 2011


So many quirks about the gym.

I already mentioned my thoughts on watching food shows while working out. (Maybe we need to define the definition of "working out")

Then there's parking as absolutely close to the door as possible. Hello. You're at the gym. To workout. To burn calories. Parking to reduce walking (which burns calories) is probably part of the reason you even need the gym membership. Because you don't take advantage of opportunities to walk for health at other times. At least I try to park 2 spaces from the door, even if the closest one is available. (haha, as if that's noble.)
Alas, I don't really judge as I do it too. ESPECIALLY when it's cold. and dark. and wintry wind. ew. I've become some what of a pansy fair-weather runner. That is why I joined the gym. Limit this silly 16 layers for winter runs business. Funny thing the gym manager said to me in the fall when I started hittin the gym after crazy summer season when I become as scarce at the gym as a school boy at bath time. He said - "You're probably the only gym member who looks better not having been to the gym in months." (Touche' summer of playing WPSL, running all spring and being so busy at summer camp actually sitting down to eat a full meal is a luxury.)

And how about the massive amount of motivation it takes just to get to the gym. Stay cuddled in my sheets a few more minutes or roll out of bed, change, get in the car and drive 5 miles to work out. I can go later today. Or tonight even. UM... if I had a dollar for the times I chose the first option, I'd have me-self a wee little nest egg.

Conclusion: keeping oneself in shape is mind over matter. Oft times, the mind loses. And shape is up for your own definition. Main thing - view your body as a temple, to be kept pure and holy, as a vessel available for the Lord to use however he sees fit. THAT, is the calling of brothers and sisters.

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